Friday, December 31, 2010

Top Ten Things to Do Instead Of Going Out This New Yearâs

Who says you requirement to go discover to have a beatific time? Not me. Cuddle up in those jammies and stay in.

What Was 2010â²s Most Pirated TV Show?

It's been an odd assemblage for pirated TV, as US pirates fell in sort but their choice of shows stayed unco consistent, and consistently nerdier than mainstream conference tastes. If exclusive the Neilsen ratings reflected this Top 10...

A mighty avalanche

Words from Sam Houston as Texas was about to secede during the Civil War. Wow."Let me tell you what is coming. After the kill of innumerous millions of riches and hundreds of thousands of lives you may get Southern independence, but I uncertainty it. The North is observed to preserves this Union. They are not a fiery, dynamical grouping as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to advise in a presented direction, they advise with the stabilize momentum and perseverance of a powerful avalanche."I'm rewatching the stunning 1990 Ken Burns documentary. For no actual think except it's really, rattling great. And perhaps, in this separated time, where we are so set against each other politically, it is good to advert a instance when we were modify more divided, and still came together again.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Breakfast for everybody!

buffoon and I prefabricated candy bacon and foodstuff for her daycare New Year's party.I intellection everyone in the world knew how to attain these, but judging from all the grouping asking how to do it, I guess not! The bacon is prefabricated of pretzel sticks, the egg albescent is dissolved albescent chocolate, and the nutrient is chromatic M&Ms. You could ingest naif if you're opinion specially Seussy. I wasn't with Rob when they brought them in, but he tells me the teachers started attractive photos of them, they were so impressed. Heh.

Top Chef All-Stars Uncap: Jamie, Jamie, JAMIE

In the heptad life since my initial viewing of last week's episode, my botheration at Jamie has morphed into anger. Let's all marinate in it, same a pork-belly soup flooded of delicious rage.

New Teaser And Images For Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena

Starz has free a vexer for Spartacus: Gods of the Arena introducing the newborn gladiators, as substantially as images from the premiere. The six-episode prequel to Spartacus: Blood and Sand debuts on Jan. 21.

Top Ten Songs You Should Have Downloaded This Year

2010 was full of wonderful tunes. Don't conceive me? I hit proof.